Thursday, June 2, 2011

We are spreading the word!!

We are trying to spread the word so we can reach more people who will be willing to help and more girls that need help.  You can be part of it!!!  Isn't it exciting?  If you have a facebook, befriend me :) just type in Fairly Godmother in your search box.  The picture is the same thumbnail as this one.  If the link thingie works I will try it that it goes......

It worked!!!!!  So please pass us along, and if you have donations or someone who needs help, do NOT hesitate to message us. 

PS I promise there will be no puffy sleeve dresses....unless you want one ;)


  1. Bambi, I hope this works. Something similar was tried a few years ago, and the dresses were checked out and never returned. Its a terrific idea, and I hope you have better luck!

  2. I will not really be expecting the dresses to be returned unless they want to re-donate. I want it to be a gift and hope God will provide more dresses.
